In case you just crawled out from under a rock, you very well know Apple sold a lot of iPhones last year. More than 10 million which generated a revenue of $7.9 billion dollars and a $1.14 billion dollar profit for Mr. Jobs. Blackberry's attempt to derail Apple's profit train and regain some of the cell phone market is this new 'iPhone killer', the "Blackberry Storm." Blackberry's new creation will maintain all of the functions that once revolutionized cell phones forever and will try to re-invent the touchscreen with their new "click-able" screen that gives it a tractile feel. Right now the offical release date is unknown but the "Blackberry Storm" is rumored to release in November of 2008.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Blackberry Storm
In case you just crawled out from under a rock, you very well know Apple sold a lot of iPhones last year. More than 10 million which generated a revenue of $7.9 billion dollars and a $1.14 billion dollar profit for Mr. Jobs. Blackberry's attempt to derail Apple's profit train and regain some of the cell phone market is this new 'iPhone killer', the "Blackberry Storm." Blackberry's new creation will maintain all of the functions that once revolutionized cell phones forever and will try to re-invent the touchscreen with their new "click-able" screen that gives it a tractile feel. Right now the offical release date is unknown but the "Blackberry Storm" is rumored to release in November of 2008.
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