Sunday, December 19, 2010

LeRoy Grannis Surf Photography

Ever since being introduced to vintage photography of the islands of Hawaii while visiting for the first time, I have been infatuated with surf photography. There is definitely something nostalgic about bright, sunny skies, natural women, untouched beaches and clear water that appeals to me. Jon Patric of The Selvedge Yard recently ran this piece on the work of Leroy Grannis and I couldn't help but to re-post it. Visit The Selvedge Yard for more LeRoy Grannis photography as well as many other features on Americana photography. You can also find Grannis' books in online stores like Amazon for next to nothin.

From the desk of Contributing Editor, Eli M. Getson–

LeRoy Grannis, considered by many to be the premier photographer of California’s thriving surf culture in the 60’s and 70’s, started out not as a professional or trained artist– but as a hobbyist. He didn’t even begin his epic career until the ripe age of 42 yrs old. That was back in 1959– prime time to document America entering the golden age of surf mania, and capture it with a keen eye and insight that only a true surfer could possess.

all photography property of LeRoy Grannis